Properly Casting Integers in C

· 1604 words · 8 minute read

I believe the most common mistake I see in both new and experienced users of C is incorrect or dangerous integer casting. It appears to me that these troubled developers are equating casting to conversion without realizing they’re introducing bugs into their software. I’m unsure if this is because of lack of knowledge, laziness, or forgetfulness due to working in higher-level languages, but whatever the reason I see it often (and I’m guilty of it too!).

A silly image of a pink blob being incorrectly cast by being forcefully jammed into a box

The problem

Let’s look at an example to get started.

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <limits.h>

uint16_t a = 100;
int16_t b = (int16_t)a;
printf("a = %u b = %d\n", a, b);
// a = 100 b = 100

The above does what we expect. We’re casting an unsigned to a signed, but since the number is still within the bounds of the signed value, it works as expected.

uint16_t a = INT16_MAX;
int16_t b = (int16_t)a;
printf("a = %u b = %d\n", a, b);
// a = 32767 b = 32767

Even with the INT16_MAX value, the cast still works fine, no bugs here, but what happens if we add 1 to that number?

uint16_t a = INT16_MAX + 1;
int16_t b = (int16_t)a;
printf("a = %u b = %d\n", a, b);
// a = 32768 b = -32768

Wow, it goes negative! Why is that happening if a was a positive number? Most people I question about this figure a cast like this would just clamp a to b’s highest positive value, but this is clearly not true. This is the major (and bug-inducing) difference between a cast and a conversion.

A cast is not elegant. There is no validation being done for you (and why would it? Since when has C ever done anything for you?). A cast literally chops bits off and slams them into a box. A cast is when have your friend sit on your suitcase, so you can jam in one more outfit for your trip – it’ll close, but you might end up with a shirt cut up by the zipper.

Let’s look at these numbers bit-by-bit. These numbers are represented in their unsigned form.

unsigned        bits          hex
100       00000000 01100100  0x0064
32767     01111111 11111111  0x7fff
32768     10000000 00000000  0x8000

And now let’s annotate our source with what’s actually being set in memory.

uint16_t a = INT16_MAX + 1;  // a = 10000000 00000000
int16_t b = (int16_t)a;      // b = 10000000 00000000
printf("a = %u b = %d\n", a, b);
// a = 32768 b = -32768

What we’re seeing here is because the MSB of b’s 32768 is 1 this tells the computer this is actually a negative number (as long as it’s treated as signed which printf is doing). This system of storing negative numbers is called two’s complement. The takeaway here is a cast does not care if it’s going from unsigned to signed, nor does it care if it’s going from a wider container to a narrower one.

Casting is not only dangerous when casting from unsigned to signed, it can be dangerous when casting from a wider container to a narrower one. Here’s an example which shows casting is like a guillotine, and we lose data permanently.

int16_t a = -32768;   // a = 10000000 00000000
int8_t b = (int8_t)a; // b =          00000000
printf("a = %d b = %d\n", a, b);
// a = -32768 b = 0
int16_t a = -32768 + 20; // a = 10000000 00010100
int8_t b = (int8_t)a;    // b =          00010100
printf("a = %d b = %d\n", a, b);
// a = -32748 b = 20

Thanks Microsoft

I have a real-world example which I have seen too many times. The problem is mostly Microsoft’s fault for creating a POSIX named function which is not POSIX compliant.

POSIX declares the write() function as such:

ssize_t write(int fd, const void *buf, size_t count);

And Microsoft’s implementation of write() is:

// Microsoft
int write(int fd, const void *buffer, unsigned int count);

The problematic usage I often see is in usages like this:

ssize_t write_data(int in_fd, const char * in_buffer, size_t in_count) {
    #ifdef _WIN32
        return (ssize_t)write(in_fd, in_buffer, (unsigned int)in_count);
        return write(in_fd, in_buffer, in_count);

We can see that there’s a very real chance in_count will be bigger than the max value of unsigned int. On both 32 and 64-bit Windows, int is 32-bits wide. On 32-bit Windows size_t is 32-bits wide and on 64-bit Windows size_t is 64-bits wide. So this incorrect cast will not only lead to interoperability between Windows and Linux but also between 32/64-bit Windows.

The solution

The steps to perform proper conversion are not magic, they’re exactly what you may expect. Basically all you really need is bounds checking. The resulting code will be exhaustive, but that’s what C is.

  1. When converting from signed to signed or unsigned to unsigned, simply ensure the receiving container is of the same width or larger. If the resulting container is smaller then check for out-of-bounds input values and clamp or error depending on your situation.
  2. When signs differ (signed to unsigned, and reverse), you must properly validate the bounds of the receiving container, even if larger, and the sign of the source value.
  3. There are apparently some systems where zero (0x00, 0b00000000) in memory does not actually mean zero (0) in value. I don’t know of any of these systems, but I figure it would be wrong of me to not pass on the paranoia. In these instances you’ll need to perform more complex conversions. I will leave this as an exercise for the reader ( 😄 ).
ssize_t write_data(int in_fd, const char * in_buffer, size_t in_count) {
    #ifdef _WIN32
        // clamp
        unsigned int win_count = in_count > UINT_MAX ? UINT_MAX : (unsigned int)in_count;
        return (ssize_t)write(in_fd, in_buffer, win_count);
        return write(in_fd, in_buffer, in_count);

That’s a somewhat simple example where clamping in_count to a max value will not produce adverse functionality (because write has no guarantee it will write the entire buffer passed in). If the function was supposed to be an all-or-nothing write, then we’d have to if in_count > UINT_MAX (and… you know… also not use write).

Also, it should be compile-time verified that sizeof(int) <= sizeof(ssize_t) to ensure the return cast is always compliant.

Overflows, underflows, and wraparounds

This is a topic that deserves its own article, but I would be doing a disservice to you if I also did not warn about integer overflow, underflows, and wraparounds since they are important to understand when tackling casting.

In short, x + 1 > x is not always true.

What happens when you set an unsigned number to -1 or set a value bigger than the container can store (like 500 to a uint8_t)? For unsigned numbers they wraparound, meaning setting uint8_t a = -1; will make a == 255 and uint8_t a = 256; will make a == 0.

With signed numbers (like int8_t), essentially the same thing happens on most systems, but the C standard says overflows and underflows are undefined for signed values (meaning the compiler is allowed to error and/or the result does not have to abide by any rules).

I’m bringing this up because it’s important to remember that when casting to narrower storage, your range of legal values changes. By performing arithmetic you can very easily blow out the maximum storage of your containers.

The below example is a continuation of our write_data() function with an added argument of in_repeat which will call write_data() recursively if greater than 0.

Eventually, if given a large enough buffer and repeat number, the return value of write_data could end up in the negatives (or more appropriately, in undefined behavior) which would cause the final line of return result + recursive_result; to actually de-increment the returning number.

ssize_t write_data(int in_fd, const char * in_buffer, size_t in_count, size_t in_repeat) {
    ssize_t result;
    #ifdef _WIN32
        // clamp
        unsigned int win_count = in_count > UINT_MAX ? UINT_MAX : (unsigned int)in_count;
        result = (ssize_t)write(in_fd, in_buffer, win_count);
        result = write(in_fd, in_buffer, in_count);

    if (-1 == result || 0 == in_repeat) {
        // error or no more recursion
        return result;

    ssize_t recursive_result = write_data(in_fd, in_buffer, in_count, in_repeat - 1);
    if (-1 == recursive_result) {
        return result;
    // Oh no! `result + recursive_result` can easily overflow the size of
    // `ssize_t` after only a few recursive loops.
    return result + recursive_result;

I’ll admit that’s not the best example, but if you are indeed my target audience, I hopefully just dropped a little extra knowledge on you.

I have found a nice article titled Integer Overflow Prevention in C which goes into far deeper explanation than I have.


In summary, C has many places where it bites back. Common operations in C are often much more dangerous than they seem. This does not make C a bad language, as there are still many goods, but it does explain why so many have moved away from C into “safer” languages. For those in the back who are jumping up and down screaming, “Just use Rust!”, I do want to note that Rust still suffers from integer wraparounds (however, there are functions in Rust’s standard library which may be used to gracefully deal with wraparounds).